Category: Marketing

  • How To Help Your Communities And Attract More Prospects

    “Every successful individual knows that his or her achievement depends on a community of persons working together.” Paul Ryan I’ve been networking for my offline business for a number of years. It’s all about making connections, building trust and becoming the go-to person when a prospect needs help in your area of expertise. Does this…

  • What Makes a Good Marketer a Great Marketer?

    “Good marketing makes the company look smart. Great marketing makes the customer feel smart.” – Joe Chernov You have a well-defined niche, know your audience, and have sold some products to them. But now you want to take your marketing to the next level. To move from being a good marketer to a great marketer…

  • 7 Tips for Creating Great Affiliate Tools That Boost Your Sales

    One way to boost your sales is to recruit affiliate marketers. There are a number of factors that will influence an affiliate’s decision to promote a product, including level of commissions, their familiarity with the target audience, and the promotional tools available. Most affiliates are going to be less likely to promote products that don’t…

  • Increase The Chance Of A Sale With A Powerful Guarantee

    There are a number of factors that influence the chance of making a sale. Perceived value, price point, bonuses, and more. When a vendor or affiliate is putting together an offer they are likely to put some thought into each of these, but one factor that is probably given least thought, where we follow the…

  • How To Refresh Your Email Campaigns For Success

    One of the great things about an autoresponder is that it can be used as a set and forget mechanism. Unfortunately that also means your emailed messages can be left for so long that they can become stale and irrelevant to your list. If you suspect you’re not getting the results you used to from…

  • Is the next phase of video marketing begining to appear?

    In the last couple of months two of the largest companies online have rolled out services that could have a massive impact on the future of video marketing. Facebook Live has raised its profile considerably this month. A couple of weeks ago a Californian man broadcast the birth of his son, though he later revealed…

  • Is Your Marketing Supporting your Business?

    Two common mistakes made by new internet marketers is to start a blog and then not promote the material they create. If you decide to have a blog, and you know why you have that blog and why you need to market, you’ll be more likely to maintain your blog, promote your content and see…

  • Useful Resources To Get Analytics For Your Emails

    You are probably aware of the importance of measuring traffic to your website, but are you also measuring the effectiveness of your emails? Your email marketing should have a goal. It may be to grow your subscriber base, generate more leads, or to convert your existing leads to customers. If you are not measuring your…

  • Could Facebook Instant Articles neuter your content marketing?

    Facebook Instant Articles (FBIA) is a new mobile format developed by Facebook and made available to everyone last week. It allows your readers on Facebook to access your content instantly without leaving Facebook, using the Facebook mobile app. It’s quicker and more mobile friendly than linking to a website and Facebook believe if readers can…

  • Content Ideas For Better Emails

    If you’re stuck for ideas when it comes to writing emails here are some content suggestions you may find useful. Offer solutions Before entering your niche you should have performed some initial research. You should have identified the problems and challenges faced by people in your niche. If you can provide solutions to problems you…