Recovering from Traffic Flatline – Becoming More Sociable
In my last post I mentioned I was going to try to get more traffic from Facebook. With this objective in mind I have set up a Facebook fan page. If you want to take a look you can find it here. The idea is that not only can I start to build relationships with…
Recovering from Traffic Flatline – Another 7 Days
Last week I outlined my initial response to receiving no traffic to my blog for a full 7 days, something I have called traffic flatline. Since my last post I have added some features to the blog to encourage interaction and retention of visitors. If you look at the right of the page, below the…
Recovering from Traffic Flatline – My Results So Far
Well after traffic to this blog literally flatlined I said in my last blog post that it was time to address the issue and take action. So what have I been doing? Firstly I’ve started regularly visiting the Warrior Forum and leaving comments. This is something I used to do but had fallen out of…
My Traffic Has Flatlined!
Traffic was always a major problem when I was running blogs before and it’s still a major challenge. I knew that I was going to have to address this issue, but till now I’ve been concentrating on completing my product and building my list with giveaway events. Then I received this weeks analytics for the…