Upsells – Why would I be in the Inner Circle when I can’t even get out of the loop?

The concept of upsells and downsells has been around for a long time. The usual example given to explain an upsell is when the person behind the counter at McDonalds would ask if you “want fries with that?” It’s an opportunity to offer more value in exchange for a little extra money. However it seems there’s at least one internet marketer who hasn’t quite grasped the delicate balance needed when offering upsells.

Explaindio 2.0 is a new video creator software that was released at the start of this month. It follows the initial version which was released late last year. That version was very popular, with some great features, it was easy to use and competitively priced. The new version is another story.

There have been some changes to the monetisation strategy. For example the lifetime licence that was offered with version 1.0 has been changed to a monthly fee. Then there’s the attempt to get you to spend more using upsells. The video below shows marketer Darren Munroe’s reaction to the chain of upsells. Enjoy the video and learn the lesson.


2 responses to “Upsells – Why would I be in the Inner Circle when I can’t even get out of the loop?”

  1. I did laugh with you through that video man I have explaindio too and it is not only the up and down sales but every time you want to fire up the thing comes promotion I thought I am the only one who was sick of the way they are trying to make money.Cool video I most say.

    • Yes, one of the most amusing commentaries on internet marketing I’ve seen in recent years. I just can’t understand how they think this process is going to win them more customers though.

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