Last Saturday I joined a small group of internet marketers at Marc Milburn’s office in Sheffield for his first Office Mastermind day.
I had three principal reasons for going. Not in any particular order they were: it was a chance to see behind the scenes of a successful internet marketing business, an opportunity to get the latest thoughts of a successful IM coach and it was one of those rare occasions when you get to meet fellow internet marketers face to face.
Don’t underestimate how important this last point is. Just listening to what other people said during the day revealed a few truths. One is that the path to internet marketing has not been plain sailing for any of us, no matter what level we are currently at. Working on a first product, organising a physical office, even deciding which direction to take all have their challenges. And we can overcome them all.
As the day progressed we discussed many things. How to organise customer support, how to organise a funnel that doesn’t start with a free offer and how to use evergreen content and webinars within a training course. We discussed most of this round a table in one of the offices, but we also used Marc’s 24 ft whiteboard, as you can see from the photo.
The day ended with a meal in central Sheffield and further opportunities to socialise and get to know each other better.
This is the first time Marc has run an Office Mastermind and the consensus from everyone involved was that it was a valuable and useful experience. We all agreed we would be interested in attending another one if Marc were to repeat the event.
So if you get a chance to spend time with an internet marketer, even if it’s only for a day and especially if you get to see how they work, I’d recommend making the most of the opportunity. The insights and encouragement you’ll get will be well worth it.