Where to Step Into the Traffic Stream

If you’ve been reading anything about making money either online or offline you would have come across the idea of finding a flow of money and stepping in front of that flow. There’s a similar philosophy with traffic. Instead of creating traffic or diverting it, you get your site into the stream. This usually means placing an ad or using a joint venture to get some sort of presence on a website that is already receiving a lot of traffic.

There are broadly two ways you can find these sites. One is to discover which sites are getting the most traffic on the entire internet, the other is to narrow your search to a particular niche. There are no surprises for the general sites you can leverage. Get yourself into Google’s results pages, set up a Facebook page, and put a video on YouTube and you’ve applied the principle to the top three.

Finding the busiest sites in a niche takes a little further research, but uses some of the sites I’ve just mentioned. Start by using relevant keywords in the top search engines and noting the resulting list of sites. Then use Alexa to discover how much traffic they are getting.

The Alexa Traffic Rank is not an ideal ranking method for the entire internet as it relies on surfers that have the Alexa Toolbar, but it is probably the best available. Use the statistics to rank your list of sites and you have your traffic generating to-do list. Now it’s a question of looking at each site and finding advertising or JV opportunities.

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