Tag: targets

  • New Year, New Timeframe?

    So as we rush toward the new year in only a couple of weeks it’s likely your mind has turned to resolutions, if only briefly. I’ve mentioned my resolution reservations before and suggested an alternative. Today I want to suggest yet another approach. Missing targets is a source of disappointment for many, myself included. In…

  • Now You’ve Started Will You Finish?

    If you spent the last days of 2012 planning you should have already decided what you intend to focus on this year. You’ll know where you’ll be putting most of your energy, the destination you’re aiming for and a good idea of the route you’ll take to get there. It’s as if the vehicle that’s…

  • Measuring Progress Against Targets

    In July I set out my online targets for the remaining months of this year. Nothing complex, just targets for the end of each month in terms of the number of people I would like on my list and the progress made in creating products. According to these targets, by the end of August I…