WordPress Plugins That Encourage Comments
One of the purposes of a blog is to encourage some interaction with the readers. This is usually in the form of comments which is why so many WordPress themes come with comment forms already setup. However there are some plugins that can improve the likelihood and value of commenting. Here I give some details…
An Unexpected Problem Solved
Having mentioned the anti spam plugin Spam Free WordPress in an earlier post I have had to change it. Earlier today I suddenly discovered that on each of my post pages the box for leaving a reply to the post was at the top right of the page instead of below the post. Even worse…
Steps I Took Before My First Post
Before I even wrote my first post for this blog there were several decisions and choices to be made. If you’ve not started your own blog yet or wonder what plugins to use I’m hoping this may be of some help. The first decision was to use a self hosted WordPress site. WordPress because it’s…