Tag: content marketing

  • Could Facebook Instant Articles neuter your content marketing?

    Facebook Instant Articles (FBIA) is a new mobile format developed by Facebook and made available to everyone last week. It allows your readers on Facebook to access your content instantly without leaving Facebook, using the Facebook mobile app. It’s quicker and more mobile friendly than linking to a website and Facebook believe if readers can…

  • Content marketing – Questions you should ask before creating anything

    Some advice I was given just before one of my first exhibition meetings was to pretend I was wearing a T-shirt that did not say ‘what can I sell to you?’ but ‘how can I help you?’ Content marketing is a means of communicating with your customers and prospects without attempting to sell to them.…

  • Providing The Content Your Audience Needs

    Your audience will always want content. As technology and the internet evolves the needs and expectations of your audience will evolve too. If you want to remain relevant and be sucessful you are going to have to evolve with them. Below are some points to check that your content is what your audience needs. Your…

  • Content Marketing – Have You Found Your Voice?

    One of the most successful ways of promoting what you do is creating or curating content and then posting it where your audience will find it. This will probably include at least one of your own online sites and some social sharing platforms. Wherever you are posting your content it’s important to present a consistent…